Tuesday, January 10, 2006

roast chicken chips fiasco

So I caved and bought a bag of roast chicken chips last night

man can't live on nutritional food alone, afterall
Not that I think chunky soup is terribly nutritional

but anyway, I opened the bag and started eating.
that sweet sweet flavor went right to my head. It's like a good wine, I swear.
all those little particals of real roast chicken.
did you know they actually roast a whole chicken than shave it with a cheese grater over an open bag of chips? It's true.

but anyway, I was minding my own business when I see something in there that isn't a potato chip. You know what it was? You'll never guess.
No...not a human finger...but good guess, guys....good guess.
It was one of those tin foil sheets that comes in cigarette packages. The one where the tin foil can be seperated from the thin white sheet.
There was a crumpled up one of those in my bag of roast chicken chips.

I can't make this shit up...it's true.

But no sense in letting all that real roast chicken go to waste


T. said...

You could write to them and complain. They'd probably give you a lifetime supply of Roast Chicken chips.

Andrew said...

Tell me again, how long can you leave a severed head in milk before it gets soggy?

Mike said...

Are you seriously telling me you're gonna eat a severed head with dairy? C'mon! Frikkin' Heathens! That's a red wine meal for sure.