Tuesday, February 14, 2006

my v-day tradition

well...this special time of the year has come around again!!

everyone is just so full of love love love

ever since that valentines day is grade 6 when I brought my cardboard heart home empty, I have celebrated my v-day a little differently than most people.

I start the day off with a stiff drink. (when I was younger it would be homogenized milk)
throughout the day I try to ruin the occasion for as many happy couples as possible.
Maybe write a love letter to some girl and put it in her purse, hoping that her boyfriend will find it

stuff like that

I end the day by killing a rabbit and drinking its blood from the hallowed out skull of last years rabbit

I know...it's a pretty humble little celebration, but it's something!


Mike said...

Well, that explains that smell coming from the fridge... and why all the rabbits I've seen have been especially twitchy lately.

I still think your tradition beats paying exorbitant prices for bouquets of wilted flowers, though. By leagues. Leagues!

Major^2 said...

I don't know, sznak!! I DON'T KNOW!!!


Bari said...

Hey Kirk...
I just saw some pictures of you (specifically on Martin's page), and I really like the hat. And the facial hair. It looks good. No... really good!


Major^2 said...

I know you were not informed, but from now on you should probably refer to the hat as Gus

I'm trying...the facial hair is becoming boring to me...but I can't bring myself to shave...I don't really know why. I think it has grown into my brain and is slowly taking me over

T. said...

OK Mr. Romance... write soemting new so I don't have to envision this rabbit thing...

T. said...

something new.